#7 Husbands REDUCED

under offer

#7 Husbands REDUCED

UNDER OFFER-A welcoming 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 8,670 sq. ft. The property is surrounded by guard wall and is accentuated by lush vegetation and an expansive driveway. The enclosed porch encompasses the width of the home and floors are a mixture of purple heart and porcelain tiles. The high ceilings in the living and dining rooms keep both rooms cool as the breezes flow through the kitchen, large laundry and also into the enclosed garage these are all located to the south east. Both bedrooms are fitted with built in closets, security bars and mesh on all windows. The property is located just a few minutes away from the ocean and 10 minutes from Speightstown

More Information

Sale Price: 
$267,500 US
$267,500 US
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Further Information

Property Type: 
Land Area: 
7,040sq. ft
13 Mar 2024
BEAVA Approved
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