19 Maxwell Hill
This house has great rental investment potentil. It consists of 4 floors, the first floor has a 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living and dining and a family room, second floor has two 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartments, third floor has a 2 bed 1 bath apartment and the fourth floor has a large studio apartment. The laundry room is seperated from the house and is quite spacious, plenty parking and a decent sized backyard.
BDS$825,000.00 $740,000.00
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⚠ This listing is over 365 days old. ⚠
Sale Price:
$373,738 US
$373,738 US
Property Reference:
Built-in CupboardsCeramic/Porcelain tilesConcrete StructureExcellent viewsGarageLaundry RoomMaster bedroom/EnsuiteParkingPartially EnclosedSolar HeatingStorage Room/Storage CottageUnfurnished