
Marley Vale


Situated on the southeastern coast of the island lies this beautiful oceanfront home commanding a breathtaking view of the Atlantic ocean with fresh cooling breezes. It comprises 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, living room, family room, dining room, a large kitchen, powder room, laundry room, 2 large patios, roof deck, a 2-car garage with electronic doors and indoor pool. It comes with beautiful porcelain tiles and greenheart ceilings and doors. Offered at US$437,500.00. For further information or to schedule a viewing, please call 246-420-3687 or 246-266-8888 or email

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Sale Price: 
$437,500 US
$437,500 US
External Link: 

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Further Information

Property Type: 
Floor Area: 
3,800sq. ft
18 Nov 2023
BEAVA Approved
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