Wilson Property, Ellerton


Wilson Property, Ellerton


This property is an irregular shaped parcel of flat agricultural land comprising of seven chicken pens, a residence and a small retail/storage building. The site measures approximately 60,113 sq ft and is accessed via Ellerton Main Road (Highway 4).The residence is a single storey building (currently vacant) with a timber framed structure attached to western elevation providing a covered bay. Internally, the residence comprises of three bedrooms and two bathrooms, living, dining and kitchen, It is constructed of coral stone walls and comprises of rendered and painted elevations beneath a timber framed roof structure clad with steel profile sheets.There is a second building that is a single storey structure providing a retail space, preparation room, office and washroom with a separate entrance leading to the storage area. The building is of concrete block wall construction with rendered and painted elevations beneath a timber framed roof structure, clad with aluminum profile sheets.The chicken pens comprise a combination of timber framing and chicken wire beneath a pitched timber framed roof structure clad with aluminum profile sheets. There are also water storage tanks and several feed silos situated around the property.* Property ID: 49268* Price: USD$445,500* Property Size: 60113 Sq Ft* Address Ellerton St George

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Sale Price: 
$445,500 US
$445,500 US
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Property Type: 
24 Aug 2024
BEAVA Approved
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