Lion Castle Great House


Lion Castle Great House

Lion Castle Great House is a historic property situated on elevated land offering spectacular views of the country side and beyond.

It is centrally located in the parish of St. Thomas ensuring easy access to the major shopping and business districts of Warrens and Bridgetown as well as Holetown and the ever popular west coast beaches.

The two storey house was built in 1721 in the traditional plantation style design with thick coral stone walls and high pitched roof.

The floor area of the house itself is approximately 9,000 sq.ft. consisting of 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, a kitchen with an adjacent pantry and  informal dining room as well as a formal living and dining room and bar and entertaining area. To the east of the house taking full advantage of the cool and tropical country breezes is a beautifully designed pool and Jacuzzi with an ample size deck and gazebo rendering a relaxed ambiance to this commanding home.

The surrounding tropical gardens of the house and horse stables make up the 2.5 acres Lion Castle Great house sits on.

More Information

Sale Price: 
$2,500,000 US
$2,500,000 US
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Further Information

Property Type: 
Plantation House
Floor Area: 
9,000sq. ft
Land Area: 
3sq. ft
13 Mar 2024
BEAVA Approved
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