Lot 100 Jasper Avenue, Inch Marlow, Christ Church
This single-storey detached dwelling of masonry construction offers 1,981 sq.ft of living space and 567 sq.ft of garage and patio space. The property sits on 6,167 sq.ft of land and is roughly a rectangular shape, flat and at road level. It comprises of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms (one bedroom being self-contained), living room, dining room, kitchen, powder room, laundry, garage and patio. The property is in need of repairs as it’s an older type house with floors of reinforced concrete with vinyl tiles, built in cupboards in the kitchen and wardrobes in all bedrooms. The roof is timber-framed, covered with permaclad sheets and ceiled with tentest.. All walls are concrete blocks and windows are casement type. The property is enclosed with a concrete block guard wall. The driveway is concreted and there is a concreted walk-way around the house. Please note the price is not negotiable.
US$190,000 / BDS$380,000- Approved Buyers Only!