Woodside Great House


Woodside Great House

Reduced!!! Located in a UNESCO World Heritage site in the mature central neighborhood of Woodside Gardens is across the street from the pristine Carlisle Bay beaches. On 3.3 acres, this late 18th century home was the residence of the first Governor General and consists of formal living, dining, wide main foyer, large games/family room which opens onto the lushly landscaped back garden. Upstairs has 5 bedrooms, 2 full and two 1/2 baths and a patio overlooking the garden. Ceilings are 12' high and are decorated with elaborate plaster cornicing, coving and ceiling roses. Also attached to the house is a 7,024 sq. ft. two story building (formerly doctors offices & nursing home) which is ripe for re-development.

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Sale Price: 
$5,000,000 US
$5,000,000 US
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Further Information

Property Type: 
Plantation House
Floor Area: 
8,142sq. ft
Land Area: 
143,750sq. ft
23 May 2024
BEAVA Approved
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